Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by. I’m excited to share this space with you, where we can discover some awesome Catholic artists and music. When I set out to create CatholicVibe, it was because I was on a mission to find music that brings us closer to God, made by fellow Catholics from around the globe. Along the way, I stumbled upon so many talented individuals who inspired me. I wanted to do my part to support them. So, here we are! Let’s join forces in uncovering and uplifting these fantastic Catholic artists worldwide.
God bless!
Ivan Adrien (bio)
CatholiVibe.com does not possess, store or stream music directly from its server. All music displayed here are embedded from Spotify and presented as previews to get a sample of the artist and their music. Hence, we do not pay artists for their streams here or makes any money from the previews of music shown here. We also DO NOT CHARGE any artists to be listed here at all. For clarification please email [email protected] with your question.
I must confess, a lot of discovering was done manually. I pretty much also wanted to ‘discovery’ every artist and get aquainted with their music. I could have automated some of the processes but that would taken the beautiful moment of discovering a song that speaks to your soul. Hence, all that you see here have been physically searched and discovered from the internet, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Instagram… you get the picture. The information displayed are what is publicly available on the respective platforms with sources cited.
If you are someone creating music with Catholic theme, or just a Catholic creating wholesome music, yes I would love to add you here! Please fill up the submission form to get your details and you should be appearing as soon as you finish reading the Book of Exodus!
Nope! There is no charge to be listed here at all. I will also not be approaching you on instagram or any other social media to ask you for money to be listed here. This is free service and if you want to be listed here, just send fill up the submission form and that’s it. You are free to support this website if you feel you believe in its idea and purpose but that will be fully your decision to make. Please do inform me if you are approached by anyone claiming to be from CatholicVibe.com asking for fees or payments. I will only communicate through my official accounts as listed below.
Unfortunately no. This website purpose is to purely promote them and if you the listener do follow them on their respective music platforms, they will get royalties based on what the agreement is with such music platforms.
The idea behind CatholicVibe.com is to give exposure in the hopes they will get their music exposed to a wider audience.
My apologies. My intention to place your profile is for everyone to discover your awesome music and nothing more. However, if you do not want to be featured, please reach out to me via the contact form or though the social channels to let me know and I will have it removed.
Coz they are awesome! Another thing that is awesome is the RCIA program at every Catholic Church 🙂
Seriously, I hope to see more meaningful songs that evangelize about what Jesus taught about the Eucharist, being Universal, the Sacraments and more which are found in songs by Catholic artists and I stand by that.
Yes of course! Gosh I could do with a few. Hit me up on email, or the socials or on the streets, if you know when I live! 🙂
Sure, happy to listen to them. Get in touch with me here.
CatholicVibe.com Official Channels
About Ivan
Catholic, husband, father of two, Ivan nagivates the realms of the imagination and reality seeking ways to manifest the former into the latter with whatever skill he has. Dedicated to his faith and a profound love for music cultivated by over two decades of serving youth worship ministry, he is passionate about all aspect of giving glory and praise to God through music. Prior to Catholicvibe.com, he also created mycatholicprayers.com to provide Catholic prayers and resources for all, particularly newcomers to the faith. He serves in faith formation ministry at his parish and can be seen wandering into places where there is coffee.