Jill Swallow grew up in a family of five in the small town of Versailles, Ohio where she was involved in parish youth group, marching band, cheerleading, student council, and various choirs. She studied Early Childhood Education at Miami University in Oxford for two years and then perceived a call from God to total consecration and missionary work. Jill spent the first eight years of her consecrated life at Mater Ecclesia College in Rhode Island (a formation center for consecrated women), as both a student and a dean of students for the freshman and sophomore classes. When she wasn’t studying or running activities, Jill was busy directing the choir and recording music CDs! Prior to her assignment in Houston, Jill served within ECYD and Regnum Christi in the Ohio Valley and as Formation Director at Everest Collegiate High School and Academy in Clarkston, Michigan. Source: https://thykingdomcome.us/people/jill-swallow