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Fr John Klien

Fr John Klein was ordained a Legionary priest in 2017 and has since served as a chaplain at Holy Spirit Prep school in Atlanta and as a formator of young missionaries through a program called the Regnum Christi Mission Corps. He is from St. Louis, Missouri and had a conversion in college while pursuing a degree in Music Production in Nashville. Feeling a call to be a missionary priest he entered the Legionaries of Christ in 2006. Fr John feels his call is to reach out to young people through retreats, spiritual direction, and missions and help them to discover their unique call to holiness and to be a part of the New Evangelization. He especially loves evangelizing through music and still actively writes and records original music. You can find his new music under Fr John Klein (and his older music under Br John Klein) on Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube. Source: Spotify

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